Dark-Stewed Sea Cucumber - Holothuria Sanctori

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Holothuria sanctori (Delle Chiaje, 1823) is a species of the genus Holothuria of the family Holothuriidae. Oloturia a punte scure Dark Stewed Holothuria Sanctori intotheblue.it

Holothuria sanctori intotheblue.it

Holothuria sanctori intotheblue.it

Habitat and distribution Mediterranean Sea and Eastern Atlantic Ocean. Oloturia a punte scure Dark Stewed Holothuria Sanctori intotheblue.it

Description It is commonly called “dark-stewed sea cucumber” due to the similarity that presents the appearance of this animal with a cucumber and to always have dark papillae. The body is cylindrical and on the back is covered with irregularly arranged conical papillae. This species is characterized by having a brown body, often with rounded white spots at the base of the papillae, but always with dark brown papillae. It reaches about 20 cm of maximum length. When it feels threatened, it emits long white or pink sticky filaments called Cuvier Tubes that are present in many species belonging to this family. Unfortunately in recent years we are witnessing indiscriminate fishing all over the world and therefore a progressive decrease in the species

Holothuria sanctori intotheblue.it

Holothuria sanctori intotheblue.it

Supply It feeds by ingesting huge quantities of sand and mud from which it draws nourishment. Related species In the Mediterranean there are six other species of Holothuria: Holothuria tubulosaHolothuria helleriHolothuria impatiensHolothuria mammataHolothuria poliHolothuria forskali.   https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holothuria_sanctori  

Informazioni sull'autore / About the author:
Andrea Cirivasi Andrea Cirivasi ha scritto / wrote 218 articoli / Posts.
Questo articolo è stato scritto il / This article was written on 11/02/2019