Dolphins off the coast of Castiglioncello

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In this short video we have a meeting about forty minutes of a pod of dolphins or more likely bottlenose dolphins off the coast of Castiglioncello, which took place on 11.09.2016 at about 6 miles from the coast from Livorno to Vada, in area named “Secche di Vada“. This sighting is quite unusual although we do have in the famous “Triangle of the Cetaceans” for the length of meeting because of the presence within the pack of some puppies that mothers tend to be wary and then to move away just satisfied their curiosity. Delfini Castiglioncello



Despite the engine on the boat the pod of dolphins composed of adult specimens probably females but also by some puppies, has never seemed frightened, approached and making approach several times, rather curiously, because they came to “play” with their evolution from under the boat. Delfini Castiglioncello




The tursìope (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu, 1821) is an odontoceto cetacean belonging to the Delphinidae family. It is one of the rare species of dolphins that endure captivity; also because of this it is the most studied and the most common in dolphinaria. It is widespread in all the seas of the world, with the exception of the Arctic and Antarctic areas and there are two distinct populations, one coastal and one in the open sea. It uses the echolocation technique to hunt and feeds mainly on fish. It reaches sexual maturity around the age of 12 and females give birth to only one young. It generally lives in herds formed by the females and the young, while the males can form associations called “alliances”. Due to the influence of the media (the famous dolphin from the TV series Flipper was a bottlenose dolphin), it has become the quintessential dolphin.

Informazioni sull'autore / About the author:
Andrea Cirivasi Andrea Cirivasi ha scritto / wrote 217 articoli / Posts.
Questo articolo è stato scritto il / This article was written on 14/09/2016
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