Calafuria unknown
Dusky grouper - Madagascar
Sabella Spallanzanii
Noble Pen Shell - Pinna Nobilis
The Scrawled Butterflyfish
Capo Carbonara Sardinia
The Great Beauty of the Underwater World
Barracuda fry
Mediterranean sea: underwater panorama breathtaking
Marine plastic pollution
Red Mullet - Mullus Barbatus
The blue spiny starfish
Funny brittle Starfish
The Grey reef Shark
Giant goby - Gobius cobitis
Felimare picta
Schooling bannerfish
Striped red mullet - Triglia di scoglio
Astrospartus mediterraneus & Paramuricea clavata
Purple jellyfish
Grouper of Mediterranean Sea
High risk scuba diving
Common octopus
Acropora robusta coral
Dolphins off the coast of Castiglioncello
Mediterranean Lobster
Diplodus Sargus in the den
European Bass - Dicentrarchus labrax
The Fusilier Fish
The Pelagic Stingray
The Clown Triggerfish
Can fish swim upside down?
Pinna Nobilis and Haplosporidium Pinnae
Gilt-head bream Sparus aurata
Orange starfish - Hacelia attenuata
Life as a diver
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Young Dusky Grouper
Blue Sea Star
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