Mahsena emperor
Mediterranean Red Starfish
El Nido, Panglao, Oslob in the Philippines
Powder-blue surgeonfish
Barrel jellyfish invasion
Specklefin grouper from Maldives
Acropora robusta coral
White-tuft Protula
Scribbled Filefish
Long-spine Porcupinefish
Cushion sea star
Great Barracuda
Yellow scroll Coral
Small Giant Clam dead
Blackstreak surgeonfish
Flowerpot coral
Indian Damsel
Live Sharksucker
Adanson's slit shell
No more plastics in the sea!!!
Fusiliers fish
Bluespotted cornetfish Fistularia commersonii
Mediterranean Mussel
Sabre squirrelfish
Common octopus
Striped Large-eye Bream
Mediterranean increasingly warm: record temperatures and jellyfish
Bluefin Trevally
Dogtooth tuna
Invasion of the Sea walnut Mnemiopsis leidyi
School of Sand steenbras
SOS marine warming
Lined Surgeonfish Acanthurus lineatus
Amberjack or Yellowtail
Blue Crab invasion
Big mediterranean Barrel jellyfish
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