Striped Large-eye Bream, Gnathodentex aureolineatus, is present in tropical and sub tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific area from the eastern coast of Africa to the Pacific Ocean’s islands, It is not found in the Red Sea or Persian Gulf. The goldspot seabream likes the proximity of reefs which slopes are external or not. Gnathodentex is a genus of marine ray-finned fish belonging to the family Lethrinidae, the emperors or emperor breams.
It is a monotypic genus, containing a single species, the goldspot seabream (Gnathodentex aureolineatus). This taxon has a wide distribution in Indo-West Pacific region. pesce imperatore dorato.

Striped large-eye bream – Pesce Imperatore dorato – Gnathodentex aureolineatus –
Gnathodentex is a medium-sized fish which can grow up to a maximum length of 30 cm. however the commonly observed size is 20 cm. Its body is compressed laterally, the snout is pointed and the tail is forked. The background coloration is silver-grey with golden horizontal lines on the sides, these later are topped by dark horizontal lines. Its fins have pinkish shades, a yellow moustache-like line overcomes the upper lip, the junction of the pectoral fins to the body is marked with yellow and also along the outer edge of the operculum.

Striped large-eye bream – Pesce Imperatore dorato – Gnathodentex aureolineatus –
A golden yellow spot located on the back at the termination of the dorsal fin is a hallmark of this species. In proportion to body size, the eyes are quite large. The dorsal fin is supported by 10 spines and 10 soft rays while the anal fin contains 3 spines and 8 to 10 soft rays. Ganthodentex has a nocturnal activity, during daytime, it can be seen alone or in large to small compact group close by the reef. At night, they disperse to feed. Its diet consists of small prey such as benthic invertebrates like various kind of crustaceans and gastropods, also sometimes small fish.

Striped large-eye bream – Pesce Imperatore dorato – Gnathodentex aureolineatus –
Gnathodentex is caught in commercial fisheries using fish traps, gillnets and handlines and the catch is sold fresh. The main regions where it is fished for are off South Africa and Mozambique, and the Philippines. There are reports of the consumption of this species being linked to ciguatera poisoning.
(extract from Wikipedia)
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