Maldive Anemonefish or Blackfinned Anemonefish, (Amphiprion nigripes), is a marinefish belonging to the family Pomacentridae, which includes clownfishes and damselfishes. The Maldive anemonefish is a small fish which grows up to 11 cm as a female and 8 cm as a male. It is oval-bodied and laterally compressed. This clownfish is characterized by its rusty orange color with a single white stripe running vertically just behind the eye. It has black pelvic and anal fins (hence the common name) and a variable area on its belly can be more or less black. Depending on geographic location, some fishes can be orangeish-yellow with an anal fin which is not black but the same color as the body.

Pesce Pagliaccio delle Maldive – Amphiprion nigripes – Maldive Anemonefish – blackfinned Anemonefish –
The Maldive anemonefish is found in the western Indian Ocean in the Maldive Islands, Laccadive Islans, and Sri Lanka. This species typically lives in small groups on outer reef slopes at depths of 2–25 m. It is particularly associated with the magnificent sea anemone. This anemonefish is omnivorous, and its diet is based on zoopankton, small benthic crustaceans and algae.

Pesce Pagliaccio delle Maldive – Amphiprion nigripes – Maldive Anemonefish – blackfinned Anemonefish –
Amphiprion nigripes is active during the day. It is a protandrous hermaphrodite, which means all fish are hatched as males and later can change sex to female. The males live in harems in which an established dominance hierarchy manages the group and keeps individuals at a specific social rank. It also aggressively defends its territory and is completely dependent on its sea anemone, which represents its “life insurance” as a safe shelter for the group and for the nest. The associative relationship that binds the clownfish and the sea anemone is called mutualism. The fish lives within the sea anemone’s tentacles and can use it as a shelter because it has developed a thin layer of mucus which covers its body as a protection against the anemone’s stinging tentacles, and the presence of the clownfish can be interpreted as a lure to attract potential anemone prey close to its tentacles; the clownfish can also defend the anemone against some reef fishes which could eat the tentacles, such as butterflyfish.

Pesce Pagliaccio delle Maldive – Amphiprion nigripes – Maldive Anemonefish – blackfinned Anemonefish –
In a tank, the species can eat brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and chopped shellfish provided by a hobbyist. Individuals that are tank-raised have accepted high-protein flakes as well as granular foods. The maldive anemonefish is considered mostly peaceful in an aquarium, with some aggression when defending its host. It has successfully been raised in captivity.
(extract from Wikipedia)