Anemone - Anemonia sulcata

Anemone Purple Tentacles

Anemone Tentacoli Viola Purple Tentacles

Anemonia sulcata (Pennant, 1777), commonly known as hair of Venus, is a doodle of antozoo actiniidae familyAnemone Anemonia sulcata Celenterato antozoo cnidari cnidarians


This sea anemone has a cylindrical body, varying in color from yellow-brown to green, from which branches off a crown of long tentacles, little retractable, with violet end. Reach sizes up to about 20 cm in diameter.


This species expresses a fluorescent protein, called Kindling Fluorescent Protein (KFP), used as a marker in the field of molecular biology.

Anemone - Anemonia sulcata

Distribution and habitat

Widespread in the Mediterranean Sea and along the eastern shores of the Atlantic Ocean. This is the ‘anemone’s largest sea in the Mediterranean. Lives attached to rocks feeding on small prey that catches with long tentacles armed with stinging cells (nematociti). In its tissues contain organisms symbiotic unicellular algae (zooxanthellae) and for that reason needs to live in well-lit areas. He lives from the first meters of water to a depth of 10 metres.

Anemone di Mare Anemonia sulcata capelli di Venere Mediterranean sea Anemone Venus hair

Anemone di Mare Anemonia sulcata capelli di Venere Mediterranean sea Anemone Venus hair

Actiniidae is the largest family of sea anemones, to which most common, temperate, shore species belong. Most members of this family do not participate in symbioses with fishes. Three exceptions are the bubble-tip anemone (with anemonefish and certain cardinalfish), snakelocks anemone (with Incognito goby) and Urticina piscivora (with painted greenling).

The systematics of Actiniidae is often quite difficult. The problem with identification of genera within this family is that most species are readily distinguishable when alive but when fixated lose their color and some other features. Arrangement of tentacles is important in defining genera for Actiniaria families. There may be one tentacle per space between mesenteries or there may be more than one tentacle between each two mesenteries. Members of the family Actiniidae have one tentacle per space.



Anemone Anemonia sulcata Celenterato antozoo cnidari cnidarians


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Lotta per la vita II: anemoni che mangiano meduse

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