El Nido, Panglao, Oslob in the Philippines
Pantelleria Mediterranean black pearl
Alifu Dhaalu Atoll to Maldives
The reefs of Lighthouse Vada near Livorno
Mediterranean coral reef of Calafuria
Diving near Gorgona Island to Livorno
High risk scuba diving
Wreck of Genepesca
Submerged marine life
Maldives 2020
Diving on Silvio's Wreck
Palinurus elephas, Corallium rubrum, Scorpaena scrofa, Savalia savaglia, Anthias anthias
Felimare picta
The Gold Coral Reproduction
Duckypoo's last flight
Symbiosis between hermit crab and anemone
Giant triton - Charonia tritonis
Piero Foscari ship wreck
Sea urchin reproduction
Do octopuses grow tentacles again ?
Powder-blue surgeonfish
Blue Sponge
Aplysia depilans - Sea hare
Orangespine Unicornfish Naso lituratus
Mucilage in May!
Deadly Ambushes at Sea
Mediterranean Parrotfish
Mucillage and Toxic algae Ostreopsis ovata
Too many fishing nets lost
Noah's Ark seashell
Cape Verde - Sal Island "Steamboat Wreck"
Ship wreck "KWARCIT" or "BORIS"
Muraena helena
Mediterranean coral reef
Basket Star
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Young Dusky Grouper
Blue Sea Star
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