The Garfish

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The Garfish (Belone belone) belongs to the Osteichthyes class, to the subclass Actinopterygii, to the superorder Teleostei, to the Synentognathi order and to the Belonidae family. Aguglia Belone belone belonidae

It has a very elongated and compressed body, the dorsal zone is dark blue and fades in the blue on the flanks which are silvery; The belly is yellowish in color. Its length can exceed 80 cm and 1 Kg of weight. The jaws are thin and prominent enough to resemble a beak.

The Garfish is a pelagic fish that lives on the high seas, only during the summer it approaches the coast to spawn, which by means of filaments attach themselves to the algae on the bottom of the sea, we can meet it under the surface of the sea where it camouflage in a way Amazing thanks also to the splashes of the waves. Aguglia Belone belone belonidae

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Much of the Mediterranean coast enjoys a hot-summer Mediterranean climate. However, most of its southeastern coast has a hot desert climate, and much of Spain’s eastern (Mediterranean) coast has a cold semi-arid climate. Although they are rare, tropical cyclone occasionally form in the Mediterranean Sea, typically in September–November.

Because of the short residence time of waters, the Mediterranean Sea is considered a hot-spot for climate change effects. Deep water temperatures have increased by 0.12 °C (0.22 °F) between 1959 and 1989. According to climate projections, the Mediterranean Sea could become warmer. The decrease in precipitation over the region could lead to more evaporation ultimately increasing the Mediterranean Sea salinity. Because of the changes in temperature and salinity, the Mediterranean Sea may become more stratified by the end of the 21st century, with notable consequences on water circulation and biogeochemistry.

Informazioni sull'autore / About the author:
Fanino Cirivasi Fanino Cirivasi ha scritto / wrote 226 articoli / Posts.
Questo articolo è stato scritto il / This article was written on 16/02/2019
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