inquinamento marino, marine pollution
No more plastics in the sea!!!
Mucillage and Toxic algae Ostreopsis ovata
Squid eggs
Cylinder anemone
Yellow gorgonian - Eunicella Cavolinii
EDRO III shipwreck
Aplysia depilans - Sea hare
Giant triton - Charonia tritonis
Mucilage in May!
Effects of trawling
Too many fishing nets lost
Fanworm - Sabella spallanzanii
Respect for the sea
The Sea Snot or marine Mucilage
Nudibranchia - Felimare tricolor
Grabbed nets
Acetabularia acetabulum
Effects of climate change in the Mediterranean Sea
Pinna Nobilis and Haplosporidium Pinnae
Marine plastic pollution
Naval mine of the Second World War
Toxic algae: Ostreopsis ovata
Marine Plastic Pollution
Mucilage Cyanobacteria Oscillatoriales Algae
Farewell... to a dear friend!
Blue fish
Lost fishing nets are un environmentale damage
The Great Deception...
Again a Tyre at Sea
Abbandoned Fishing Net Colonized by Sponges
A Sea of Plastic…?!
A Sea to Love and Protect!!!
The Sea to love and to protect
Why a Concrete Mixer stay at the bottom of the sea ...???!!!
The big airplan bomb
Abandoned nets
Read more ...
White Gorgonian
Cushion sea star
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