Specie Aliene, Alien Species
Mucillage and Toxic algae Ostreopsis ovata
Invasion of the Sea walnut Mnemiopsis leidyi
Blue Crab invasion
Dash-and-dot goatfish in Mediterranean Sea
Unknow species
Red Squirrelfish
Mnemiopsis leidyi invasion
Blue crab - Callinectes sapidus
Mediterranean barracuda and European barracuda
Nimble spray crab Percnon gibbesi
Australian spotted jellyfish
Warty comb jelly Sea walnut - Mnemiopsis leidyi
Salpa maxima
Red Lionfish
Spotted sea hare
Fanworm - Sabella spallanzanii
Ostreopsis ovata and Caulerpa racemosa
Rockpool shrimp - Palaemon elegans
Yellowmouth barracuda - Sphyraena viridensis
Mucilage - Sea Snot
The Red Lionfish
European fan worm - Sabella spallanzanii
Curious fishs visit the Diver in decompression
Toxic algae: Ostreopsis ovata
Mucilage Cyanobacteria Oscillatoriales Algae
Invasion of Mnemiopsis leidyi
Ctenophora - Mnemiopsis leidyi
She is a Predator…! Even if it does not seems
The Caulerpa Racemosa
Pink Flamingos - Phoenicopterus Roseus
Alien Species - Percnon gibbesi
Sea Walnut - Mnemiopsis leidyi
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Whale Shark
Young Dusky Grouper
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