Scarlet Coral - Balanophyllia europaea

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Balanophyllia europaea, commonly known as the solitary madreporaScarlet Coral is a coral mother of the Dendrophylliidae family. Madrepora Solitaria Scarlet Coral Balanophyllia europaea

Balanophyllia europaea madrepora solitaria

Balanophyllia europaea madrepora solitaria


Habitat and distribution Common on hard bottoms, up to about 40 meters deep. Endemic of the Mediterranean Sea.

Description Non-colonial species, it has the typical squashed basket shape in the central part, usually larger than tall, light brown in color, from which 48 tentacles protrude. It lives in symbiosis with zooxanthellae. It grows up to 3 centimeters in diameter.

Balanophyllia europaea madrepora solitaria

Balanophyllia europaea madrepora solitaria

Informazioni sull'autore / About the author:
Andrea Cirivasi Andrea Cirivasi ha scritto / wrote 218 articoli / Posts.
Questo articolo è stato scritto il / This article was written on 31/03/2019
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