Orata - Sparus aurata

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Sparus aurata ( Sparus aurata Linnaeus , 1758 ) is a bony fish of sea and brackish water , which belongs to the Sparidae family. It is present throughout the Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic, from the extreme south of the British Isles to Cape Verde. It is a strictly coastal fish and lives between 5 and 150 m from the coast; attended both hard sandy seabed, it is particularly common on the border between the two substrates. Usually it leads a solitary life or in small groups. It is a species very euryhaline, so that you can frequently be found in lagoons and estuaries, but is extremely sensitive to low temperatures. It is very common in Italian seas. Orata Sparus aurata Sparidae Sparidi intotheblue.it

Spaurus Aurata

vlcsnap-2016-08-03-01h08m54s120Meeting with a herd of sea bream in conditions of visibility of about 2 meters.

The sparidae are widespread in all the temperate and tropical waters of the world, including the Mediterranean Sea, where they are extremely common and often make up the majority of the fish fauna of the coastal areas. However, the area where they are represented by the largest number of species is South Africa. Some sparidae are euryhaline and can be found in brackish or soft waters. They are more frequent in the coastal areas but can be found, even in large numbers in the coasts.

The shape of the sparidae is usually quite uniform: the body is elongated, compressed at the sides and quite high. The dorsal fin has the first spiny rays. The tail has a straight or bilobed margin. The teeth are usually very well developed, they can be canine, molariform or incisiviform. The livery is basically silvery with spots, stripes and dark spots which constitute a character of fundamental importance for recognizing the species. The sparids of deeper waters often have a red or pinkish background color. Sea bream Sparus aurata Sparidae Sparidi intotheblue.it

Many species are hermaphrodite: that is, they have male and female sexual organs, however the gonads of the two sexes mature in different periods for which they mate and fertilize each other with another partner. Other species, on the other hand, are born as male specimens and, as they age, they turn into females, while still others turn into males if they fail in the group.

(tratto da Wikipedia)

Informazioni sull'autore / About the author:
Andrea Cirivasi Andrea Cirivasi ha scritto / wrote 218 articoli / Posts.
Questo articolo è stato scritto il / This article was written on 01/08/2016
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