Yellowtail, Amberjack - Seriola dumerilii

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Ricciola Seriola dumerili Amberjack Yellowtail Carangidae carangidi

Seriola dumerili, commonly known as Amberjack and Yellowtail, is a marine fish belonging to the family Carangidae. The amberjack is much more confidant during youth, as it becomes more cunning and careful as it grows. Younger birds, in whose livery are obvious shades of yellow, tend to congregate in herds, older specimens are usually solitary. The approach to the coast takes place in spring and summer, during spawning. In this video we filmed on the high seas during the ascent phase for decompression, aggregated in small flocks and individually, not at all bothered by the diver and quite intrigued by the air bubbles. Ricciola Seriola dumerili Amberjack Yellowtail Carangidae carangidi

Seriola dumerili - Ricciola - Amberjack - Yellowtail

Seriola dumerili – Ricciola – Amberjack – Yellowtail –

The amberjack (Seriola dumerili Risso 1810) is a marine fish belonging to the Carangidae family.

Distribution and habitat
It is found in the Mediterranean Sea, Pacific Ocean, near India and in the Atlantic Ocean, from 10 to 360 meters deep, more often between 20 and 70 meters.

It is the largest fish of the trevally family, being able to reach 2 meters in length and 70-100 kg in weight. It is a pelagic fish characterized by a silvery blue color, with a longitudinal line of gold color, a swallowtail and two dorsal fins, the first short and the second long. It features an oblique brown bar that crosses the eye.

Being a pelagic species and above all very voracious, therefore always on the move, amberjacks do not easily lend themselves to breeding, also due to the considerable amount of proteins necessary for its growth, which does not make this activity cheap. However, attempts are being made in Sicily that allow for various possibilities. However, it is easily adaptable to life in the aquarium. The Aquarium of Alghero, since the 80s, has bred small amberjacks caught in the open sea and having an average size of about 1 kg in weight and about 30 cm in length, and after a few years these have grown successfully up to about 20 kg in weight and about 1 meter in length with a fish-only diet.

The amberjack is much more confident in its juvenile phase, while it becomes more cunning and attentive as it grows. The younger specimens, in whose livery yellow shades are evident, tend to aggregate in schools, while the older specimens are usually solitary. The approach to the coast takes place in spring and summer, the period of reproduction.

It feeds on other fish and invertebrates and also on plankton.

Informazioni sull'autore / About the author:
Andrea Cirivasi Andrea Cirivasi ha scritto / wrote 218 articoli / Posts.
Questo articolo è stato scritto il / This article was written on 11/10/2016
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