Diving near Gorgona Island to Livorno

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We planned this scuba dive in the area between Livorno and Gorgona Island. We are over 12 nautical miles from Livorno and about 6 miles from Gorgona, in the Tuscan Archipelago. In this area the seabed rises from over 100 meters deep to 48 metres. It is an area that we know well in the part between 48 and 54 meters deep, but the sea always reserves unexpected surprises: in fact from the echo sounder we saw that there are reef at depths of 60, 70 meters and more. The interesting thing is that these deep rocks have never been visited by divers and therefore we are the first to document the beauty of these seabeds. immersione vicino all’isola di gorgona

diving point - punto d’immersione - www.intotheblue.it

diving point – punto d’immersione – www.intotheblue.it

We leave at 8.00 in the morning from the port of Livorno, we have seen the weather forecast and we know that it will be a beautiful day, the sea is calm it will take about an hour to reach the diving area, but there is no rush because unlike the fishermen professionals, who have to leave at dawn to set sail their nets, for us divers the weather conditions and the sun which, rising above the horizon, allows the light to enter deeper into the sea water column are important.

mediterranean coral reef - barriera corallina mediterranea - www.intotheblue.it

mediterranean coral reef – barriera corallina mediterranea – www.intotheblue.it

However, to be able to document the seabed with the camera it is necessary to have good lighting because the sun’s rays arrive very weakly and the colors of the seabed tend to be uniform grey; the lights instead allow our camera to highlight the entire range of colors present in the coral reef. Once we reach the area we slow down to allow the sounder to better identify the point and throw however.

the video author - l’autore del video - www.intotheblue.it

the video author – l’autore del video – www.intotheblue.it

To be able to document the seabed with the camera it is necessary to have good lighting because the sun’s rays arrive very weakly and the colors of the seabed tend to be uniform grey; the lights instead allow our camera to highlight the entire range of colors present in the mediterranean coral reef. Once we reach the area we slow down to allow the sounder to better identify the point and throw the Buoy diver  into the sea which we then take with us. immersione vicino all’isola di gorgona

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Informazioni sull'autore / About the author:
Fanino Cirivasi Fanino Cirivasi ha scritto / wrote 241 articoli / Posts.
Questo articolo è stato scritto il / This article was written on 04/04/2024
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